The world has changed so much in just the past twenty years. From pagers to cell phones, from shopping malls to shopping online, we do things a lot different now. How businesses interact and attract new customers has changed as well. Websites are the way of the world now. According to Google, 88% of consumers who search for a type of business on a mobile device, call or go to that business within 24 hours.
If you have heard the phrase “Just Google it” or “I don’t know. I’ll Google it,” you know that search engines play a huge role in how customers find what they need. The hitch is, unless you have a website, if someone “Google’s” your business, you don’t exist. That is a missed connection, a missed opportunity. This article will discuss why having a business website is important for your company, no matter what you sell or services you provide.
Believe it or not, there are still many businesses from small to large, that don’t have a business website. According to Forbes magazine, “A business’s online presence, regardless of industry, can have a massive impact on its success”. A company website can be a contributing factor for generating more revenue. Who doesn’t want that?! 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website. That is over half of all internet users! But, if you still think a website is a waste of time and money, or dragging your feet on getting one created, below are a few reasons why you should:
Updates and Announcements- Want a better way to keep to world up to date on your company changes, announcements and events? A reliable, up to date website is the perfect place to keep your customers informed about any important changes. Maybe you want to host an open-house, grand opening, or other social event? Post the information directly on your site so your visitors can find the information quickly and accurately. Don’t rely on word of mouth, to get important information out!
Digital Marketing- Your company has a social media presence and is on a few platforms, why do you need a website? Posting on different social media platforms is a great way to market your business, however a website expands your reach and ability to track your return on investment. For example, many ads on Facebook provide a button to “Purchase Now” or “Learn More”. When people click on those buttons to “learn more”, it’s documented on the analytics section of the page. These interactive buttons are linked directly to your website. Without a website, you simply have a flat ad. Analytics show the traffic flow to your website, allow potential customers to contact you with questions, and so much more.
Company Credibility- There is a good chance that you have competitors with similar products or services that you provide. Having a company website is a great way for people searching, to find you, see that your company is legitimate and show why they should do business with you. It has to be easy to use and answer questions they may have. When a business has a website, it demonstrates authority. It’s a way to provide them peace of mind.
In short, building your company an easy to navigate, clean and informational website is the best way to ensure your company’s survival in these digital times. If your company does not have one, you need to get one started. You can always go in and make changes and update information, but it is important to get your company out there on the internet for consumers to find! Brand It Graphix Marketing Solutions can help you create the perfect website for your business. Contact us today and let us help with getting you more customers and more revenue!